~Win With Open & Honest Government~

 I am working hard to once again earn your vote for District 2 Supervisor.  I feel very strongly that our county government should be open to the people it is supposed to be working for.  I believe the more open government is, the more accountable it is to everyone. I think it’s the only fair thing to do.  After all, it’s you and I that must pay the bill at the end of the day. 

I'm also working to make sure our county government is treating everyone fairly.  The county employs a lot of people and does business with a lot of people too... it is important to me that everyone interested in working for the county, or doing business with our county is treated fairly and given an equal chance to work for, or do business, with the county.  The rules should be fair and honest, and everyone should play by the same rules. 

After I advocated for four years to have the County Administration provide quarterly Finance Reports in public forums, we finally started doing it in 2021!  We continue this practice and will continue to do so as long as I have anything to say about it!  This practice makes the County transparent and accountable to you the taxpayers.

I do not want to see us ever go back to the old ways of the County, but I NEED YOUR HELP!  I need your vote in the Primary Election on July 30, 2024 and again in the General Election on November 5, 2024.  With your help, we can keep our county government open and honest!


 "Secrecy breeds distrust. You don’t just expect to be trusted, you earn someone’s trust by being open and honest."

-Author Unknown